
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Happy New Year: 2012.

On New Year's Eve, a friend of Fiance's, Blue, and his girlfriend came down for the weekend. I made a Puerto Rican feast for us and Biker, consisting of arroz con gandules, habichuelas, tostones, and what should have been churrasco but ended up being London Broil. (The commissary was out of skirt steak, so I settled for flank steak, and voila!)

I was drunk before we even left the house, having downed two glasses of rum and cola and half a bottle of Moscato. We ran in the New Year at a bar, and Blue's GF dropped me off at the house before taking the guys to the bar in town. The next thing I remember was GF walking into the house, and me shooting up from my prone position on the living room floor. When I mentioned this the next morning, GF responded, "Oh, I thought you were playing with the cats!" I replied, "I think that's how it started!"

The plan for the first day of 2012 was to go downtown for the football game, which was what really brought Blue into town, for he is a 49ers fan. Poor Fiance was too hungover however, and though I volunteered to stay behind and take care of him, he insisted that I go on. This was my first live football game; I'm not much into football, but I did have a good time, and as you may know if you follow the madness, the Niners won.

For dinner we had pot roast, mashed potatoes, and some of the pan de agua (bread) that I had made a few days prior. Delicious! The next day for lunch, I improvised with the leftovers and made French Dip sandwiches for myself and Blue's GF while Blue tucked into a bowl of some leftover beef stew. Yeah, we had leftover for daaayyys. Blue and GF left that day to return home, and I do hope they'll come back to visit in the spring. This was her first time in St Louis, and I'd love to take her downtown to see the sites.

I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays last year, and may this year be full of joy for all of you!

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