
Friday, April 8, 2011

This trainwreck didn't come out outta nowhere!

I would like to quote a paragraph from this article:

The polarization of the two major parties has consequences for a great deal more than just the contents of legislation. It fosters a broader political environment in which compromise invites ridicule, in which pragmatists are presumed to lack conviction, and in which each political faction is convinced not merely that it is right, but that those who disagree with it are stupid, evil or both.

Some of you are reading that and thinking to yourselves, "Yep, sounds like the Republicans."

Some of you are reading that and thinking to yourselves, "Yep, sounds like the Democrats."

How many of you are reading that and thinking to yourselves, "Yep, sounds like every asshole in office."?


Do take the time to read the entire article.

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