
Monday, April 5, 2010

Book reviews.

Just finished reading a couple of great books. The first one is Brainless: The Lies and Lunacy of Ann Coulter, by Joe Maguire. Mr Maguire takes all the crazy nonsense that Ms Coulter spews on a daily basis and dissects it to reveal, well, the lies and lunacy. (For those of you who "like what she has to say," as one co-worker put it, she is on the record as stating that women should not have the right to vote. This surprised my co-worker. She is also on the record as dismissing the theory of evolution while endorsing creationism as valid science.)

My impression after reading this book? Ann Coulter sucks at life.

Also just got done reading Escape, by Carolyn Jessop. Carolyn spend her entire life as the fourth wife of a man old enough to be her father until she grew some cajones and got the hell out of dodge with all eight of her children. Her last four pregnancies were all life-threatening, with the last resulting in an emergency hysterectomy. Her husband, her sister-wives (except for one), and her step-children could not have cared less. When she went to their prophet, Warren Jeffs (yeah, that creeper), to demand fair treatment from her husband, the man dismissed her because while she had listed all her husband's abuse, she had not admitted to any sins of her own. But never fear, there is a happy ending!

My impression after reading this book? FLDS sucks at life.

Enjoy your week.

1 comment:

msprimadonna67 said...

I think you've just added to my I'm-Gonna-Have-To-Read-These stack. (Okay, let's be honest. Stacks. Multiple stacks. These will be the next two on top of one of the stacks.)