Yes, you read that correctly. The command made Friday a family day, as they often do for Monday-holidays, so all twelve bases within said command (excluding mission-essential personnel, sucks to be you, with all sincerity) got Friday off.
An old tech school friend that I haven't seen in over five years was in town this past week for a networking class, and we went down to the riverfront yesterday for a little tourist action at the Arch. Before that, I went in to the salon for a much-need haircut (the emo-do requires frequent maintenance), and when I got done he (Z) and his wingman (looks EXACTLY like Bobby Hill sans spectacles) were at a Mexican place on the other side of the city, so I drove down to the riverfront and had myself a quiet lunch outside of a pub. Then I went over to the Arch to meet up with them, and spent a few minutes sitting on the ground, my back against the structure, not feeling the least bit small.
Finally I met up with Z, Bobby (heh), and a woman with the guard that I knew from years ago before my deployment. We took a stroll through the museum, I munched on an unnecessary (but oh-so-yummeh) piece of fudge, and then we squeezed into a tiny little tram and went 630 feet up. I saw an Amish elderly man with a cell phone on his belt, true story. Z seemed a tad overwhelmed for a moment there, and finally turned to me and said, "Thank you, Davi." Yeah, I was the same way the first time I went up.
We finished up there, and went for an early dinner at that same pub (hey, it's good eats), and then we said our good-byes. Lovely day.
Fifteen days until The Boyfriend lands. I'm going to spend this week packing, we (well, I, he can't exactly help) are moving into a nice little house in a small town (1.3 square miles?!) a quarter-hour from the base. I can't wait!!
And today The Boyfriend is 25...just five years from 30, bwahahahahaha. I ordered him a gift earlier this week, but it's only partially for his birthday...ahem...I will share more details after his arrival. I'm on cloud nine these days!!
Finally, I threw out there an open invitation for Terin to come to my side of the state for a little R&R action. Just say when. I have coffee, wine, and cuddly kittehs. What more could you ask for?? Okay, yes, endless Skittles will be provided, plus my meager library will be at your disposal, though I'm sure you have most of what I have and my library is likely not nearly as extensive as yours.